Sponsor a Cat
We are looking for sponsorship to help us with caring for cats during their time with us, and to assist with the costs of vet and medication bills as well as food and litter.
Sponsorship covers all the cats who come into our care (whether they are for rehoming, or end up staying as permanent residents), and - as a sponsor - you will receive monthly updates on all of them. Details of some of our cats are shown below.
Sponsorship is £5 a month, and you will then receive regular updates, with photos and entertaining news on what the cats have been up to. You will even get a special e-card on your birthday.
Have a look at what our updates look like HERE.
To become a Sponsor at £5 a month, just click on this "Subscribe with Paypal" button
Once Subscribed we will send you a "Welcome" email with the latest Sponsor Update link.

Carla came to us in December 2020, at the age of 17.5 years.
Carla needs special daily care, and is on prescribed medication and supplements to help control her conditions.
At the moment, Carla is well in herself, active, and relishing every meal. She has formed a strong bond with her human carer here.
We want her to fully enjoy her retirement years.

Whatever you can donate will help us with ongoing costs for this lovely lady.
If you would like to sponsor our cats, including Carla, please click on the 'Subscribe with Paypal' button at the top of this page.
We really appreciate your support.
UPDATE - Sadly, Carla left us in November 2023, at the grand age of 20.5 years of age. We are glad she was able to enjoy her retirement years here with us.
Any sponsorship will help other cats in our permanent care.

Louis came to us at 6 weeks of age in October 2021, and he was extremely ill with a bad chest infection.
His prognosis was not good, but he managed to pull through - with the help and advice of our excellent vet, and a few courses of antibiotics.
Louis was born with a number of deformities - mainly in his front legs and ribcage.
The chest infection he suffered from at such a young age has left his airways damaged, and this will always cause him issues.
He has been made a permanent guest of honour at All Cats Rescue, so he has everything he will ever need now and in the future.
If you would like to sponsor our cats, including Louis, please click on the 'Subscribe with Paypal' button at the top of this page.
Thank you, on behalf of little Louis.

Mr Thom

This ginger boy had been living rough for years, which took its toll on his health.
Our vets confirmed that, not only did he need all his teeth extracted as they were in terrible condition, causing infection and pain, he is also FIV positive.
He is a friendly, easy-going lad, and is very grateful for the regular meals provided.
Once all his teeth were removed, Mr Thom was pain free and his gums started to heal up really well.
Mr Thom was lucky enough to find a special new home, but we continue to provide support for him, including regular treatment, which your sponsorship would help with.
If you would like to sponsor all our cats, including Mr Thom, please click on the 'Subscribe with Paypal' button at the top of this page.
Thank you for your kind support.
UPDATE - Our Mr Thom sadly passed away in October 2023. A street cat for many years, we are so glad that he got to spend time enjoying home comforts, love and companionship.
Your sponsorship will help other cats who need ongoing care, like Mr Thom did.


We were called upon to take in a kitten who, after being purchased two days previous from an untraceable person advertising online, was no longer wanted.
We collected the same day, and little Lily arrived with us aged approximately 6-7 weeks.
Although we had no previous information or history about her, we noticed from the start that poor Lily had obvious tummy trouble.
After vet visits, the consensus is that Lily needs special food to keep her tummy issues under control.

With extra care and a special diet, Lily has been doing well.
If you would like to sponsor all our cats, including Lily, please click on the 'Subscribe with Paypal' button at the top of this page.
Thank you for your support.


Max was a young stray - unneutered and with no microchip.
Although a friendly chap, he has some behavioural issues, which can be tricky to handle now that he's grown into a very big, sturdy boy.
However, staff here are used to this kind of thing, and know that Max is just a sweet boy who wants attention and affection.

Max really enjoys being with the other permanent resident cats here - whether indoors in cosy sleep spots, or out in the catio.
If you would like to sponsor all our cats, including Max, please click on the 'Subscribe with Paypal' button at the top of this page.
Thank you for your support.
Jimmy and Otis

Jimmy (black & white) and Otis (tabby & white) came to us at a few weeks of age, after being born outdoors, and hidden away from humans by their clever mum.
It is harder to socialise feral-born kittens when they are older - and it can be hit and miss as to success.
We worked hard at socialising them, and they had got used to staff being around them, but they remained very skittish, and there were no real applications for adopting them (as there's more call for instantly friendly cats and kittens,
After some time, we decided to let these bonded brothers mingle with the other resident cats, to give them more company.
They seemed to enjoy cat company much more than that of humans (which we totally get!), and are very gentle and caring towards the other cats.
Because of the boys' very timid nature, their trust issues with humans, and because of the bonds they formed with other residents, we decided that it would be in their best interests to remain here with us.

Otis and Jimmy do love it here.
They enjoy a calm, relaxing environment, and can have as much or as little human interaction as they want. They like spending time in the catio, whatever the weather, and also have the choice to snuggle together indoors, in many cosy, lounging spots.
They both check up daily on their fellow residents, offering companionship, playtime, head bumps and snuggles where needed. They take it in turns to look after their 'little sister', Lily

If you would like to sponsor our cats, including Jimmy and Otis, please click on the 'Subscribe with Paypal' button at the top of this page.
Thank you for your support.
Do you know that it costs our small rescue approximately £500 to get just one kitten ready for adoption?
Most of that is taken up by veterinary bills - to ensure they are neutered, vaccinated and microchipped before they go to their forever home, but the costs of food during their stay is another big spend for us.
When you consider that we only ask a £150 adoption donation for each kitten, it's a huge shortfall we are left with finding... especially when we get called upon to take in large litters.

We also take in kittens that have been born 'feral', meaning that a volunteer spends time working on socialising them - getting them used to being around and handled by humans - so that they can be rehomed as a beloved, domestic pet (rather than end up another unwanted, 'wild' cat on the streets, making their own unplanned babies).
Click on the 'Subscribe with Paypal' button at the top of this page to be a sponsor and help us give these little ones the best start in life.

We are grateful for the support, so we can continue to care for unwanted cats and kittens.