Sponsorship for Carla

We are looking for sponsorship to help us with caring for Carla, who is now an unexpected, permanent guest at All Cats Rescue.

Carla came to us in December 2020, at the age of 17.5 years.
Our intention was to find her a new home, but plans changed when it became obvious during her first few days here that Carla had medical issues which had not been previously reported. After various tests, our vet diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease, and Carla is now on prescribed medication and supplements to help control her condition.
Our vet has also advised that there is a possibility of an underlying cancer (after a lump was found), but to get a definite diagnosis of that would involve surgical biopsy. At Carla’s age, and because her heart is not 100%, the veterinary advice is that it is risky and not considered beneficial for her to undergo such a procedure, which we agree with.
At the moment, Carla is well in herself, active, and relishing every meal.
We want her to fully enjoy her retirement years.

Due to her various issues, we feel it best that Carla stay with us, as our permanent and very welcome guest, so we can continue to provide the special care she needs. She has already formed a strong bond with her human carer here, whom she loves to sleep next to (usually dozing off on whichever hand that provides under-chin strokes).

Carla’s daily care includes providing special food, prescribed medication, supplements, and many puppy pads. It is necessary to clean her room a few times a day. We also have room heating and an electrically heated pad on for her 24/7, to keep her as cosy and comfortable as possible (as she sometimes gets a little cold).
She is an absolute sweetheart, who wants nothing more than a cosy bed, to watch the birdies flying around outside, some yummy food and a bit of company... plus some playtime (she loves ribbon toys!).
If you can donate even £1 a month, that will help us with ongoing costs for this lovely lady.
Please click on the 'Donate' button below – You will have the choice of making a one-off donation or one that repeats every month (You will see the relevant box to ‘Make this a monthly donation’, which you can change or stop at any time).
We really appreciate your support.

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